You probably guessed it already, this is the private website of me, Alexander Oliver Mader. I am also responsible for the operation of this site.
- Address
- Alexander Oliver Mader
Calvinstr. 9
24114 Kiel
D - Germany -
- Telephone
- +49 163 673 0096
Third party rights
In addition to the content explicitly annotated on the spot, this website makes also use of the following free resources:
- Glyphs of the Font Awesome font in version 4.7, which is licensed under SIL OFL 1.1, as well as glyphs (unchanged) of version 5.0, which is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
- The font Lora by Olga Karpushina, which is also licensed under SIL OFL 1.1.
- The portrait of me located on the home page was photographed by UXMA.
Data use
No cookies are stored while using this website.
Furthermore, no personal data is saved during the successful visit of this website. In case of a server-side error (e.g., missing files, software crashes, etc.), a log statement is saved that contains an error description as well as the IP address of the client. This is only used for error analyses and is anonymized automatically after at most seven days.